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Posted On March 9, 2017 at 1:16 am by / 1,607 Comments

Hồ tiêu là cây trồng có giá trị kinh tế cao. Để phát triển bền vững loại cây trồng này yêu cầu bà con phải nắm bắt được kỹ thuật trồng và chăm sóc vì cây Hồ Tiêu thường suy kiệt nhanh chóng do ra hoa quả quá độ và sự bùng phát của nhiều loại bệnh nguy hiểm làm hủy diệt vườn tiêu. Sau đây xin giới thiệu với độc giả cùng bà con một số loại bệnh hại cây Tiêu và phương pháp Phòng một số loại bệnh này.

1. Bệnh thối rễ

Bệnh thối rễ hay còn gọi là Bệnh tiêu sầu. Đây là bệnh thường làm chết cây hàng loạt, gây mất trắng hoặc làm giảm năng suất.

+ Nguyên nhân gây bệnh: Do nấm Phytopthora, Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia. Các loài nấm này có thể tấn công riêng lẻ nhưng đa số là kết hợp cùng một lúc làm cho cây Tiêu chết nhanh hơn.

+ Triệu chứng: Cây tăng trưởng chậm hoặc ngừng sinh trưởng, lá úa vàng héo rũ và rụng dần (từ trên xuống hoặc từ dưới gốc lên), cây chết đột ngột nhanh chóng sau khi rụng hết lá (có trường hợp không rụng lá mà héo rũ chết khô luôn cả dây, có trường hợp rụng từng đốt trên thân) hoặc suy yếu qua thời gian vài tháng không cho năng suất rồi chết. Đào bới đất lên xem thấy gốc rễ thâm đen, hư thối, chảy nhựa trơn nhớt. Trường hợp nhẹ gốc rễ bị thâm đen, trường hợp nặng gốc rễ bị thối đen có chất nhờn và mùi hôi.

+ Biện pháp phòng trị: Nên phòng là chủ yếu, hoặc trị khi bệnh mới chớm xuất hiện. Khi bệnh đã phát triển thì rất khó trị nên nhổ và tiêu hủy cây bệnh. Có thể dùng thuốc trừ nấm khuẩn (như Athuoctop 480SC,  Amistar top 325sc,…), tưới vào gốc hoặc dùng các thuốc trừ tuyến trùng (classico 480ec, tervigo 020sc, …), trừ rầy rệp (classico 480ec, maxfos 50ec,…) côn trùng để hạn chế tác nhân môi giới và điều kiện sinh bệnh.

2. Bệnh vàng lá (Bệnh Tiêu điên)

+ Tác nhân gây bệnh: Là Virus lây lan do rầy, rệp đôi khi là do tuyến trùng hoặc do dụng cụ trong quá trình cắt tỉa nhánh Tiêu, do giống, do vùng trồng Tiêu bị thiếu nước trong mùa nắng.

+ Đặc điểm: Virus sống trong các mô, mạch cây

+ Triệu chứng: Lá Tiêu nhỏ, lá vàng mất khả năng quang hợp, dây Tiêu không vươn dài, ít ra hoa, quả non lép, dễ rụng.

+ Biện pháp phòng trị:

– Chọn hom giống không bị bệnh.

– Thường xuyên cắt tỉa cành nhánh chớm vàng lá, khử trùng bằng cồn các dụng cụ cắt tỉa xong ở từng gốc tiêu.

– Chăm bón các gốc tỉa để giúp cây phục hồi nhanh.

– Dùng thuốc trừ rầy, rệp để hạn chế môi giới truyền bệnh.

3. Bệnh meo hồng ( mốc hồng, nấm hồng)

+ Tác nhân gây bệnh: Nấm Corticicum Salmonicolor do điều kiện mưa kéo dài trong các tháng 9, 10, 11 sau các trận mưa lớn nước thường không thoát kịp dẫn đến đất có độ ẩm rất cao, nhiệt độ 28oC – 30oC, ẩm độ không khí > 85%. Đây là điều kiện thuận lợi cho nấm phát triển mạnh đặc biệt trong các vườn Tiêu rậm rạp.

+ Triệu chứng và đặc điểm: Nấm gây bệnh trên thân và các nhánh, tạo ra lớp nấm bào tử màu hồng nhạt bao phủ chung quanh vỏ thân, nhánh, cành. Bào tử nấm phát triển thành hệ sợi, có vòi chui sâu vào bên trong mô cây hút chất dinh dưỡng làm cây Tiêu suy kiệt, vàng héo lá, rụng trái non và chết nhánh. Nấm sinh sản rất nhanh và phát tán lây lan bằng các bào tử với số lượng rất lớn

+ Biện pháp phòng trừ:

– Đầu mùa mưa làm rãnh, khơi thông rãnh thoát nước, cắt tỉa dây lươn, cành nhánh vô hiệu, diệt cỏ chung quanh gốc tiêu tạo ra sự thông thoáng cho cây.

– Diệt bỏ các cây bị bệnh.

– Dùng thuốc trừ bệnh Jinggangmeisu 5SL, 5WP, 10WP ở nồng độ 1% phun từ 2 – 3 lần cách nhau 15 ngày.

4. Bệnh héo rũ dây tiêu

+ Tác nhân gây hại: Phytophthora palmivora, Rhizoctonia solani, Rhizoctonia bataticola, Fomes lignonus. Chủ yếu là Phytophthora palmivora gây tổn thất về năng suất, chất lượng tiêu rất lớn.

+ Triệu chứng và đặc điểm: Bệnh thường xuất hiện giữa mùa mưa khi nhiệt độ trung bình trên dưới 30oC, vườn tiêu ẩm ướt, nước đọng sau mưa, rậm rạp um tùm do cành nhánh vô hiệu, cỏ dại mọc làm thiếu ánh sáng. Khi cây tiêu bị bệnh lá úa vàng, héo rũ nhanh, nấm hại thân, cổ rễ, cuống lá, cuống chùm quả. Các bộ phận gần mặt đất, xung quanh gốc tiêu thường bị nhiễm nặng hơn những phần trên cao. Vết bệnh ở cuống và gân chính lá có màu nâu sẫm, trên thân nhánh có màu thâm đen, ướt. Nấm phá huỷ mạch dẫn của thân, làm cho thân thối nhũn có mùi hắc nhẹ hơi tanh, quả héo, rụng non. Bệnh tiến chuyển rất nhanh từ khi xuất hiện triệu chứng ban đầu đến khi cây héo rũ chỉ trong 7-10 ngày.
2 loại nấm Rhizoctonia solani, Fomes lignonus thường gây hại ở mức độ thấp hơn gây bệnh chủ yếu ở gốc rễ thân ngầm làm gốc bị thối, cây héo chết.

+ Biện pháp phòng trị:

– Trồng tiêu ở nơi đất xốp, giữ đủ ẩm, dễ thoát nước, không bị ngập úng khi có mưa.

– Diệt sạch cỏ dại, cắt tỉa dây lươn, cành nhánh vô hiệu, diệt cỏ chung quanh gốc tiêu tạo ra sự thông thoáng cho cây.

– Thu dọn các cây bị bệnh

Phương pháp Phòng Bệnh trên cây Tiêu

Các loại bệnh trên cây Tiêu thường do nấm và vi khuẩn gây ra. Vì vậy giải pháp toàn diện, hiệu quả và bền vững là sử dụng các dòng chế phẩm sinh học thế hệ mới.

Thực tế cho thấy bà cong nông dân các tỉnh tây nguyên: Gia Lai, Daklak, Lâm Đồng…đã sử dụng chế phẩm sinh học Vườn Sinh Thái đem lại hiệu quả kinh tế rất cao. Chế phẩm sinh học Vườn Sinh Thái giúp bà con giảm chi phí về phân bón hóa học từ 20-30 ở vụ đầu tiến, cây sinh trưởng phát triển tốt, tăng sức đề kháng, tăng sức chống chịu bệnh từ đó giảm chi phí thuốc BVTV.

Nếu sử dụng chế phẩm sinh học Vườn Sinh Thái thường xuyên liên tục và đại chà sẽ cải tạo được các tính chất của đất như: lý tính, hóa tính và sinh tính giúp đất tơi xốp, thoáng khí và giàu dinh dưỡng qua đó hạn chế các bệnh liên quan đến bộ rễ.

Sau đây tôi xin hưỡng dẫn cách sử dụng chế phẩm Vườn Sinh Thái trên cây Hồ Tiêu đạt hiệu quả kinh tế cao nhất.

1. Tác dụng của chế phẩm sinh học Vườn Sinh Thái:

Cây sinh trưởng phát triển tốt, giảm chi phi phân bón, tăng năng suất, chất lượng, giảm rụng quả sinh lý, hạn chế sâu bệnh đặc biệt những bệnh do nấm gây ra.

2. Quy trình sử dụng

Tưới gốc: Dùng 5ml chế phẩm pha với 5 lít nước, tưới đều cho 2 gôc/trụ tiêu sau đó tưới giữ ẩm cho cây

Phun lên lá: 100 ml SP pha với 200-250 lít nước, phun đều lên 2 mặt lá của trụ tiêu, phun lướt, không phun đi phun lại nhiều lượt trong cùng thời điểm, phun hết lại pha.

Phun các thời kỳ sau:

– Thời kỳ phát triển thân lá: Sau khi trồng, cây bước vào giai đoạn phát triển, phun 15-20 ngày/lượt.

– Thời kỳ trước khi ra hoa 1 tháng: Phun 1-2 lần

– Thời kỳ đậu quả non: Phun 2-3 lượt. Mỗi lần cách nhau 10-15 ngày

– Thời kỳ phát triển quả đến thu hoạch: 20-25 ngày phun 1 lượt.

Ngoài ra chế phẩm sinh học Vườn Sinh Thái còn được sử dụng trên nhiều đối tượng cây trồng vật nuôi khác nhau đem lại hiệu quả kinh tế cao cho người dân. Có thể nói chế phẩm sinh học Vườn Sinh Thái là người bạn đồng hành của nhà nông, một giải pháp toàn diện và hiệu quả góp phần tạo ra một nền nông nghiệp hữu cơ bền vững.

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  70. When traveling into a foreign nation, it is a great idea to befriend some residents. Residents can give you distinctive and inside views about the tradition, and help you get to locations that are off the beaten route. This article will offer you some techniques to make good friends with the natives the very next time you travel. Prior to going out to go to sights during the day, always question a person with the resort for guidelines. You may have become guide recommendations there, but all those guidelines may take you to definitely areas of community which can be unsafe. A motel personnel will in all probability be able to guide you there in a way that eliminates an dangerous areas. Constantly let someone know when you plan traveling. While unforeseen travels and impulsive journey may seem like a wise idea at the time, it is not so excellent if something will go awry. Making a buddy, relative or neighbors know you will be went and where you are heading is always a good thought. Contact that person the instant you attain your spot. Tell them when you will be emerging residence. You will be glad you probably did. Air-port meals could be expensive instead of all air flights supply snacks when in trip. Its useful to help keep a few sticks of jerky, a sweets bar, or maybe a package of peanuts in your wallet or tote to help you have that quick energy boost you will need without paying an arm plus a lower body or spend some time to buy foods in a retail outlet. As was explained at the outset of this article, befriending locals is advisable when visiting a foreign country. Natives will take you locations that you would not usually see just adhering to organized tours. Apply the advice from this write-up next time you journey, and you will probably be sure to take pleasure in a distinctive and other journey from your standard travel programs.

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  73. On journey message boards, stories of woe are extremely common. Nevertheless, the end result is, the nightmare would possibly not have took place with good preparation. After you read through this write-up, you can expect to not have any journey troubles due to very poor organizing yet again! To avoid trauma or disease from ruining your holiday, check that your health care insurance coverage can be applied if you are out of the house – specially if you are planning a trip in another country. If you locate out that you will be not protected, don’t worry. Consult with your travel agency or on the internet for trip insurance policy. If you’re going to be venturing by air flow, be sure to don’t placed any valuable items or electronics in your checked out luggage. Luggage handlers aren’t known to be gentle and then any gadgets may end up damaged during transport. Airlines may also be known to lose luggage and you also don’t want to take a chance of dropping anything beneficial. When you are traveling, generally be ready to have stuff stolen. Make move forward photocopies of all of your essential papers. You may even add electrical tests of these documents for easy access while traveling. The neighborhood American citizen embassy can assist you in getting in touch with individuals in the home who are able to wire you urgent resources or aid in changing your passport, but not a lot different. If you are planning a getaway overseas, it is very important be sure to obtain the necessary vaccinations in advance. When you find yourself inside the organizing phases of the trip, take note of any shots which can be required or recommended. Failing to do this could leave you wide open for dangerous unique conditions that may ruin your vacation, or a whole lot worse, destroy your wellbeing. Finally, the reason there are plenty of terrible getaway tales is many people are unprepared for vacation. The advice that the write-up provided to you will probably get ready you correctly which means your trip can be a soothing and enjoyable expertise to suit your needs.

  74. On vacation community forums, tales of woe are very common. Even so, the bottom line is, the problem could possibly not have access to took place with good planning. As soon as you read through this write-up, you are going to not have any vacation troubles a result of very poor planning once again! In order to avoid injuries or health issues from wrecking your trip, make certain your medical insurance insurance policy applies when you are out of the house – specifically if you are planning a visit in another country. If you discover out that you are currently not included, don’t worry. Talk with your travel agency or online for holiday insurance coverage. If you’re likely to be visiting by air, be sure to don’t set any possessions or gadgets in your checked out luggage. Baggage handlers aren’t regarded as gentle and any gadgets may end up ruined in the course of carry. Airlines will also be recognized to drop suitcases and you also don’t want to take a chance of dropping anything useful. When you are traveling, always expect to have things taken. Make advance photocopies of your significant papers. You can even add electronic scans of these paperwork for quick gain access to while on a trip. The local American embassy can help you in calling all those in your own home that can cable you crisis cash or assist in changing your passport, but not a lot more. If you are planning a trip in foreign countries, it is important to make sure you obtain the essential shots in advance. When you find yourself from the preparation phases of your own vacation, make a note of any vaccinations that are required or suggested. Failing to achieve this could create open for hazardous spectacular ailments that may wreck your journey, or more serious, ruin your state of health. Eventually, the main reason there are so many bad holiday tales is the fact most people are unprepared for journey. The advice that it post provided to you is going to put together you effectively so your vacation is a soothing and pleasant experience for you.

  75. People have that experiencing while they are planning to walk out the doorway, or located on an aircraft 10,000 toes previously mentioned soil do I keep the oven on? On a trip is a exciting and calming expertise, it also possesses its own number of stresses we hope these info will help you examine and prepare for the next large trip. Extended traveling outings can be exciting and cost-effective, but the price of stopping for dishes every several hours will prove to add up, specifically for a family. If you are planning a longish automobile trip, be sure to have ample auto food offered in improve. You may be able to get away with bypassing the hourlong lunch time end, that will not simply save some costs, but can get you to your spot faster. When you have a 2nd mature in a vehicle, that individual serves as “lunchmaker,” passing around sandwiches, cutting fresh fruits, and making certain every person will get their midday dinner on your way. When you are traveling, it is possible to steer clear of hassle and lower travel potential risks by blending in. Don’t dress in high-priced expensive jewelry or spot-specific developer brand names that tag you like a visitor. Rather, make an effort to gown like the locals do, and don’t highlight oneself. Regionally-owned organizations and accommodations are less apt to be a focus on for terrorists and pickpockets alike. Should you be going with a team, make sure to publication beforehand. Arranging ahead of time will make it more likely your group will likely be sitting down with each other. Should you be traveling with young children, you actually do not would like to leave chairs arrangements to probability. Reserve earlier and make sure your chairs set up. For those who have an alternative when arranging air flights for journey, decide on an airline which uses generally 767 jets. These bigger jets convey more legroom, and offer far more primary flights mainly because they can stay in the oxygen much longer. Also, the 767s use a two-three-two seat settings, which means there is only one middle seating for every row rather than usual two. As stated in the beginning of the post, requesting a journey information ahead of your journey is advisable to get to know your destination. In addition there are a variety of spots you will discover this information in addition to a journey manual. Apply the guidelines out of this write-up to get to know your vacation spot prior to get there, which means you are equipped for your destination offers.

  76. If you are totally new around the world of travel, then you are probably believing that some tips about how to vacation wiser and more secure will help you profoundly to enable you to appreciate your vacation a lot faster. Allow me to share some suggestions to get you started out with the travelling ideas. For the greatest discounts on airline flight rates, search through a number of vacation sites at the same time before buying your seats. Good quality options are kayak.com, southwest.com and priceline.com. On additional internet sites, you can often find solution rates which are lower than the retail price about the original retailer’s web site. However, always make sure to read through the fine print to avoid hidden charges. Bon Voyage! If you would like save cash on travel, be flexible while you are arranging your plane tickets. Many times, affordable prices are available when you are not dedicated to a specific departure and introduction date. Furthermore, sometimes prices are more affordable should you travel into a near by town instead of the main a single in the area. In case you are a female traveling overnight on enterprise, make certain that the blouses and underthings you use and carry may be cleaned from the sink and hung up or blow-dried up. Missed travel luggage and/or relationships often means you reach a motel late into the evening, with merely the clothing on your back to wear the following day. Light-weight, wrinkle-free polyester or microfiber blouses and shirts might be washed and installed up, and will also be free of moisture every morning, as will your underwear. For overseas journey, examining the unfamiliar power products that might be offered is important. Most contemporary tourists rely on possessing their personal gadgets available wherever they go. Asking up these devices can existing a challenge due to the fact electric powered relationships usually are not consistent all over the world. A certain amount of analysis ahead of time will educate the experienced vacationer what type of power adapters to purchase and what arrangements to help make. Vacationing is usually occasions something that individuals might like to do at some time. For this reason, by studying info on travelling, you will be prepared for whatever travel encounters will come towards you. The ideas introduced in this post are likely to come in useful a while down the line.

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  78. On traveling community forums, tales of woe are extremely popular. However, the end result is, the nightmare would possibly not have occurred with excellent preparation. After you look at this report, you are going to not have any traveling difficulties due to very poor preparing once more! In order to avoid injury or disease from wrecking your journey, make certain your health insurance policy is applicable when you are out and about – specially if you are planning a vacation overseas. If you discover out that you will be not protected, don’t worry. Check with your travel agency or on the internet for getaway insurance policy. If you’re gonna be venturing by oxygen, be sure to don’t placed any possessions or gadgets in your examined luggage. Luggage handlers aren’t known to be soft and then any electronic products may end up destroyed while in carry. Airlines are also known to get rid of luggage so you don’t want to take a risk of shedding one thing important. When you are traveling, constantly expect to have issues taken. Make move forward photocopies of all your significant paperwork. You can even add digital tests of these documents for easy gain access to while traveling. The regional American embassy can help you in getting in contact with all those in the home who are able to wire you crisis money or assist in replacing your passport, yet not very much different. If you are intending a trip abroad, it is essential to be sure to receive the needed vaccinations ahead of time. When you find yourself within the organizing steps of your own trip, make a note of any vaccinations that happen to be essential or recommended. Failing to achieve this could create open for dangerous unique conditions that could destroy your journey, or more serious, wreck your state of health. Eventually, the main reason there are plenty of poor holiday testimonies is that so many people are unprepared for journey. The recommendation that this article given to you will make you correctly so that your vacation is actually a calming and pleasurable experience to suit your needs.

  79. Vacation could be loads of fun. Nevertheless, you will find disadvantages in vacationing. The ideas comprised on this page are well prepared to help you get what you wish from the trips. Travel can be quite a enjoyable-stuffed activity, but remember to learn no less than a number of phrases of your indigenous language. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ are a should, but key phrases such as ‘I’m lost’ and ‘Where is the coach station?’ will confirm priceless in case you actually need them. It’s much easier than looking to work out complex routines! Journey could be a great way to escape from it all, but it is sometimes required to make contact with all of those other world. For this purpose, ensure your mobile phone works wherever you are proceeding or invest in a pre-paid phone with your location land. You will be happy you did if you shed your credit cards or passport and require to contact your financial institution – or embassy! – straight away. When traveling to your peculiar metropolis, always know about your area. Each, very active and intensely quiet streets, can hold additional chance. Travelers who are active gawking at the places might change to get their budget went. Generally check to see who seems to be near you and pay attention, if you feel like someone could be following you. Don’t neglect to check in the time zones for exactly where you may be traveling to and keeping yourself. Many people don’t realize that you will discover a significant time difference which will not just be a factor inside your sleeping plan, but additionally in your connection attempts to people nonetheless in the home. Touring provides us the opportunity to practical experience interesting things, but you want to prepare yourself and also possible before leaving. Performing the correct points and preparing the best goods can easily make a significant difference. With any luck ,, using the assistance given on this page, you might be now a lot more prepared for a pleasant and thrilling holiday.

  80. On vacation message boards, tales of woe are really popular. Even so, the end result is, the headache would most likely not have happened with good organizing. After you check this out article, you can expect to not have any journey problems a result of bad preparation again! To stop injury or disease from destroying your trip, make certain your health care insurance insurance policy can be applied when you are away from home – specifically if you are planning a vacation in another country. If you discover out you are not covered, don’t get worried. Check with your local travel agent or on the web for holiday insurance. If you’re likely to be visiting by atmosphere, ensure you don’t put any valuables or electronics inside your inspected luggage. Baggage handlers aren’t considered delicate and then any electronic devices may end up damaged in the course of carry. Airlines can also be seen to lose luggage and you also don’t want to take a risk of losing anything beneficial. When traveling, always be ready to have stuff taken. Make improve photocopies of your crucial documents. You may even publish electrical scans of the files for quick gain access to on a trip. The local American embassy can assist you in getting in contact with those at home who is able to wire you crisis resources or aid in swapping your passport, although not very much in addition. If you are planning a visit in foreign countries, it is essential to make sure you obtain the necessary shots beforehand. While you are inside the planning levels of your own trip, make a note of any vaccinations which are necessary or suggested. Declining to achieve this could create open up for harmful unique ailments which could ruin your holiday, or worse, ruin your health. Lastly, the main reason there are so many poor getaway stories is the fact lots of people are unprepared for journey. The recommendation that this post presented to you will almost certainly make you correctly which means that your trip can be a comforting and satisfying experience for yourself.

  81. If you locate the idea of traveling difficult, give attention to a vacation spot that likes and dislikes you, and accumulate information and facts that targets that spot particularly. There are plenty of spots to see, that you can get lost from the seas of data. When you decide on a objective destination, restrict your homework and minimize your stress levels. It will save you place within your travel luggage by preparing in huge air-tight hand bags, like ziplocks. Obtain the gallon or 2 gallon dimension totes, package t-tshirts, stockings, under garments and also other light-weight material items in them, and after that roll the environment from the travelling bag prior to zipping closed. This will likely minimize the size of your items down and it will be easy to fit much more in your bag. When you are traveling, you can avoid inconvenience and lower traveling hazards by blending in. Don’t use pricey jewellery or location-certain developer companies that symbol you as a vacationer. Alternatively, make an effort to dress such as the locals do, and don’t highlight oneself. In your area-owned or operated companies and accommodations are a lot less apt to be a focus on for terrorists and pickpockets as well. The best part of traveling is having the capacity to invest easily after you get to your destination. While the accommodation as well as the flight tend to be the most costly aspect, the very best outings usually require investing a bunch of money out contributing to. So prior to deciding to journey set up a financial savings program this kind of which you have a excess fat wallet after paying for the resort along with the airline flight to help you increase your enjoyment. If you have an alternative when scheduling routes for travel, select an flight that utilizes generally 767 jets. These larger sized jets convey more legroom, and offer much more primary routes simply because they can stay from the oxygen longer. Also, the 767s possess a two-about three-two seating setup, that means there is just one midsection chair per row rather than the usual two. As we discussed, there are lots of alternatives. The dream of travel can be achieved by a mixture of accumulating the resources required, by careful planning and also by an excellent familiarity with the destination you select. Then, once you return home, you will possess fantastic recollections to maintain you, before the after that getaway!

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